Photos: Memorials at Dachau

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International monument by Yugoslav sculptor Glid Nandor (b. 1924-1997). Nandor spent time in a forced labor camp during the war and later fought with the Yugoslav partisans. Other memorials by Nandor may be seen at the Mauthausen camp and in Subotica.
The International monument is dedicated to the millions of Jews who were murdered in death camps.
Completed in 1968, the monument first resembles the barbed wire that surrounded death camps.
A second glance reveals a twisted mesh of bodies screaming silently to the heavens.
International monument, detail.
Sharply angled joints and hands form knots in the barbed wire.
"Never Again" in five languages.
Relief sculpture of colored markings used to identify classes of prisoners.
Plaque. Denkt daran wie wir hier starben. (Think about how we died here.)
Plaque. Richt Statte durch Genick Schuss. (Pistol range for execution.)
Plaque. Fosse commune Grab tausender Unbekannter. (Grave of thousands unknown.)
Statue by Fritz Koelle. Den Toten zue Ehr den Lebenden sur Mahnung. (To honor the dead and warn the living.)

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A Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust
Produced by the Florida Center for Instructional Technology,
College of Education, University of South Florida © 2000.

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